Journal of Neurobiology and Physiology

ISSN : 2692-546X

ISSN : 2692-546X

Author Guidelines

Journal of Neurobiology and Physiology is an open access, the scientific journal that publishes articles on a quarterly basis. The journal follows the single-blind peer-review process and upon the authors’ request, we facilitate the double-blind peer-review process. We are providing fast track peer review with an average review time of 14 days. Articles will be published online within 7 days after acceptance. The journal covers a wide range of topics including general Neurophysiological and pharmacological aspects, Neurological disorders, Cellular and molecular neuroscience, development of the nervous system, Sensory, motor systems and behavior, Regulatory systems, Higher cognition and language, Computational neuroscience, Disorders of the brain, Clinical neuroscience.

Submission Guidelines

Authors may submit the manuscript either online at or as an email attachment to

Types of Articles

Journal of Neurobiology and Physiology publishes original research, review articles, clinical case studies, letters to the editor, perspectives, opinion articles, commentaries, book reviews, and visual articles. We provide an opportunity for authors to submit their research-based findings and high-quality theoretical insights. Generally, there is no restriction on a number of words for original research and reviews submitted to our journal. We instruct the authors to submit their manuscript either in word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) or PDF format. We recommend authors to read the policies page before submitting the manuscript.

Public Access Policy

Following NIH Public Access Policy, we submit articles funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other Federal agencies to PubMed Central (PMC) immediately after publication in the journal. We are also supporting the European authors by submitting the articles funded by Europe PMC Funders to PMC immediately after the publication.

Article Processing Charges

ProBiologists LLC is an open-access publisher, devoted to promoting open access with the help of academicians and researchers from various countries. The publisher has adopted the Gold open access model for publication of articles. Authors are required to pay the basic article processing fees to cover expenses related to the online hosting, article production and editing charges, cost required to maintain our highly professional team involved in technical and editorial activities, postproduction, author-proofing, quality assurance, and indexing. The authors are suggested to check the publication fees before the submission of the manuscript. Researchers from developing and underdeveloped nations may contact the publisher for partial or complete waiver on APC before the article submission.

                 Country Group                      

      Article processing charges (APC)      

High income

1500 GBP

Middle income

750 GBP

Low income

400 GBP

Article Formatting and Preparation Guidelines

Journal of Neurobiology and Physiology pursue a prescribed format for all the articles. The journal follows a uniform and consistent format for article publication. We accept manuscripts for publication that are not under consideration anywhere else for publication. All the manuscripts submitted initially ought to pursue the journal’s proposed format which will be re-examined and organized in our post-acceptance process. Authors from non-English speaking countries are advised to have their manuscripts reviewed by a native English speaker.

Journal of Neurobiology and Physiology recommend authors to checklist the following items while submitting the manuscript:

1.Cover letter
2. Title
3. List of authors along with their affiliations and contact information
4. Abstract no longer than 300 words
5. Keywords
6. Abbreviations
7. Main body (IMRaD format for original research articles)
8. References
9. Acknowledgment
10. Author Contributions Statement
11. Figure and Table Legends Figures (according to the digital images integrity and standards in eps, tiff, jpg formats) and Tables (in Word)]
12. Supplementary Information can be provided as a separate file (either in Docx or PDF)

The main title (not more than 25 words) and a running title with full names and affiliations of all the authors must be included in the title page of the manuscript. Complete contact information of the corresponding author such as telephone number, fax number, and email address must be provided. Authors’ affiliations should be designated using the numerical and a * symbol must be used to designate the corresponding author. For equally contributed authors, # symbol must be used.


The abstract should be informative and written precisely. It should not exceed 300 words and it should clearly indicate the objectives and conclusions. Do not include any citations in the abstract.


A maximum of 10 keywords can be included in the paper.


In this section, authors must provide clear background information about the subject and describe the objectives of the study. It should highlight the importance of the research in question and clearly indicate the lack of sufficient knowledge in current literature.

Materials & Methods

The reagents and apparatus used to carry out the experiments must be included in this section. The experimental methods adopted to conduct the study must be clearly described.


In this section, authors should report the main findings of the study. Secondary findings such as secondary outcomes, subgroup analyses, etc. can be reported here.


In this section, the authors should address their research objective with sufficient evidence from the experimental results. Clear competing explanations must be provided for results with multiple interpretations.


In this section, the significance of the current study can be stated. The main outcomes of the study should be summarized and the limitations of the study can be stated along with future perspectives.

Conflicts of Interest

The Authors should declare if any conflict of interest exists among the authors or their institutions. If there are no Conflicts of Interest, then that must be stated.


Statement In this section, authors should mention the grant details that they received for conducting the study. The authors are instructed to provide the names of the agency that supported their work and the grant numbers.


In this section, authors can include the names of the individuals who are not listed as co-authors but have helped the authors in preparing the manuscript. Prior permissions must be obtained to mention the names of these individuals.


Authors are instructed to follow the sequential numbering in the order of their appearance for the references in the main text. Uncited references must be excluded from the manuscript. In the main text, references should be represented with numbers in square brackets e.g., [9]. Vancouver style is recommended for reference formatting.


The authors are instructed to submit the figures either in TIFF or GIF or JPEG. All the figures must be cited in sequential order in the main text of the article. Separate figures legends must be provided for each figure after the bibliography section. Prior permissions must be obtained by the authors from the relevant parties in case of reproducing a figure published elsewhere.


The authors are instructed to submit the tables in a separate word file. All the tables must be cited in sequential order in the main text of the article. Separate table legends must be provided for each table.

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary materials such as video clips, audio files or datasets can be submitted along with the manuscripts either in a single file or as a.ZIP file (if multiple files are there).


After the acceptance of the article, galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. The authors must send the corrected proofs within two to three days of receipt. Too many changes are not allowed in the manuscript after the acceptance; therefore, only necessary changes will be made in the article.